The Friends of Louie Memorial Field and Copse Area Constitution

Friends of Louie Field

Friends of the Louie Memorial fields constitution.

1. Name

The name of the Group is Friends of Louie Memorial Fields

2. Aims & Objective

The aims of the Friends of Louie Memorial Fields are:

2.1 To develop and maintain a the Copse and Fen in the lower fields and to ensure that the upper field remains as a green open space and not be blighted by any further equipment. We will ensure that the Fields are managed to ensure that; as the benefactor proposed , they be for the benefit of local people, visitors and wildlife.

2.2 To encourage community involvement in the development and management of the
Louie Memorial Field

2.3 To create and maintain an area of land that reflects local distinctiveness

2.4 To grow and conserve a mix of native flora and fauna which is in keeping with the area

2.5 To optimise the potential for wildlife

2.6 To manage the fields organically, using no pesticides, herbicides or fungicides

2.7 To execute a management plan for the fields which will ensure regular checks, and an annual work programme, in consultation with wildlife consultants/Fen and Copse specialists, where appropriate

2.8 To undertake or commission wildlife surveys

2.9 To endeavour to maintain sure, safe and easy access to the Louie Memorial Fields at all reasonable times

2.10 To offer a place for receation, quiet contemplation, where land use and
wildlife management can be passed on/learnt and practised

2.11 To grow new trees and plants – as decided by the Management Committee and local people

2.12 To offer a host of activities from practical management and education to
celebration and appreciating the Louie Memorial Field

2.13 To raise awareness of the activities and ethos of this very diverse and interesting space

2.14 To encourage people to realise the importance of the fantastic green spaces we have within our locality

2.15 To engage in such measures as from time to time seem appropriate to
achieve these objects

3 Powers

3.1 The Friends of Louie Memorial Fields may undertake whatever
activities are required to achieve its aims, including holding meetings,
fundraising, setting up and managing bank accounts, producing leaflets and
newsletters, holding events, consulting and raising membership subscriptions

3.2 The Management Committee shall decide further powers as necessary

3.3 A Company Limited by Guarantee or a Community Interest Company may be
formed in order that the Group may own land and property through lease or
freehold in furtherance of its objectives

4 Membership

4.1 Membership of the Group is open to all local residents and others who are also
supportive of the aims of the Group

4.2 The Friends of Louie Memorial Fields believe in equal opportunity
of membership and involvement in the Group and will not discriminate
between members and applicants for membership because of their gender,
age, ethnic origin, colour, sexual orientation, nationality, place of residence,
personal beliefs, religion, political affiliation, disability or mental health

4.3 The Management Committee shall have the right for good and sufficient
reason to terminate the membership of any individual who, by actions
words or otherwise, undermines, or seeks to undermine, the objectives
of the Group

4.4 Any person shall receive membership of the Group upon being accepted by,
and giving their name and address to, any member of the committee

4.5 Membership fees may from time to time be levied
5 The Management Committee and Officers

5.1 The Management Committee shall consist of:

5.1.1 Officers – Chair, Secretary, Treasurer

5.1.2 Up to 6 other members of the Friends of Louie Memorial Fields who shall fill other roles as required

5.2 The committee shall have the power to fill vacancies/co-opt additional
members as required

5.3 The Management Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting

5.4 The Chair and Officers of the Management Committee are elected by the
Management Committee at its first meeting after the AGM

5.5 Four Members of the Management Committee must be present at any
meeting for it to be quorate, of whom at least two must be Officers

5.6 The Committee shall decide when and where it will meet, with a minimum
of four meetings per year, with adequate notice given to all committee
members, and a record of meetings and decisions shall be kept

5.7 The normal term of office shall be two years, with one half of the
Management Committee standing down after the first year

5.8 Members of the Management Committee standing down in rotation may put
themselves forward for re-election

5.9 The Chair should stand down from that position after serving two years but
may remain a member of the Management Committee if re-elected

5.10 Voting. All questions arising at any meeting, with the exception of those
affecting alterations to the Constitution, shall be decided by a majority of
members present and voting at such a meeting

5.11 No member shall exercise more than one vote except that in the case of an
equality of votes the Chair shall have a second or casting vote

6 Annual General Meeting

6.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year, and no more than 15
months may elapse between AGMs

6.2 21 days notice shall be given to all members, this notice may be given by
email, by notice in an appropriate local newspaper and by posters in
appropriate locations. Postal notification to each individual member is not

6.3 Other general meetings may be called as required either by decision of the

3 Management Committee members or if requested by 15 individual members

6.4 At the AGM the following business will be conducted:

6.4.1 Report from the Management Committee on the work and achievements of the

6.4.2 Election of the Management Committee

6.4.3 Report on the finances of the Group, and receipt and approval of the accounts
for the year

6.4.4 Appointments of Auditors or external validator

7 Finance

7.1 The Treasurer will keep proper account of all monies, and will report to the
Management Committee at each meeting and to the AGM

7.2 All bank accounts opened on behalf of the Group will be in the name of the
Group and will require two signatures for any transaction. Three or four
approved signatories will be arranged from members of the Management
Committee, of whom at least two shall be Officers

7.3 The annual statement of accounts will be externally approved by an
accountant prior to submission to the AGM. At such time as a Company
Limited by Guarantee or a Community Interest Company be formed and the
Group is responsible for land or property through lease or freehold, the
accounts shall be formally audited

7.4 The financial year runs from April 1st to March 31st

7.5 All monies received by or on behalf of the Group shall be applied in
furtherance of the Aims and Objectives of the Group and for no other purpose

8 Alterations to the Constitution

8.1 This constitution may be rescinded or amended at any General Meeting by a
two thirds majority of those present, provided such a motion has been
publicised by a poster at the Louie Memorial Fields and a notice in an appropriate
local newspaper, that a copy of the proposed alteration has been made
available to all members via internet or a central collection point, and that 21
days notice has been given.

9 Dissolution

9.1 The Group may at any time be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two thirds
majority at any General meeting, provided that such a motion has been
publicised by a poster at the Louie Memorial Fields and a notice in an appropriate
local newspaper, that the motion has been made available to all members via
internet or a central collection point, and that 21 days notice has been given

9.2 All monies remaining shall be given or transferred to a group with similar aims
and objectives, to be agreed at the meeting where a resolution for dissolution is

Constitution adopted by membership at Special AGM 8th February 2011

The Friends of Louie Memorial Fields

Founded 11 July 2009, Constituted February 2011

Chair:  [vacant] contact the Treasurer.

Secretary: [vacant]

Correspondence address:

The Secretary,
Friends of Louie Memorial Field and Copse Area.
C/o Treasurer,
63 Hurst Rise Road,

Treasurer: Robin Carr

Banking correspondence to:
The Treasurer,
Friends of Louie Memorial Field and Copse Area,

63 Hurst Rise Road.