Friday, 25 February 2011

What a skatepark might look like

Ann Berkeley (North Hinksey Parish Council's Parks Department Expert who is advising the Parish Council on how to develop Louie Memorial Field) suggested that the skatepark in Abingdon was excellent and that one similar would look very nice plonked down in our open space - some people beg to differ. Many people think Louie Memorial Field is entirely the wrong place for this sort of construction and that a new skatebowl, where the old one was, would be popular and uncontroversial.

This picture is taken from the Abingdon skaters blog at

Google map of Louie Memorial Field

Google shows how the Field was cut in two by Arnold's Way.

The narrow triangular part of the Field which borders onto Lime Road, opposite Sycamore Road, used to be allotments.

  • The woodland part of the Field used to include part of Hutchcombe Copse but that was sold by the Parish Council some time ago.

The small white smudge towards the bottom right of the Field is the old skatebowl.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Lost tortoiseshell and white cat called Bean

You may have seen the poster about a lost cat or have been visited by its worried owners but if not then please keep your eyes skinned for

Bean, tortoiseshell with a white bib. With a green collar. Very affectionate.

Bean is new to the area and was let out for the first time this Sunday. She was seen again at about 10 am on Sunday, so just before the rugby on the Field. Did you go to the rugby and see Bean maybe?

Do you have a shed or garage? If so please look for her in them. She may have been hurt and hidden herself in your garden so please look.

Her address is 31 Chestnut Road.
Her numbers are 247285 and 07941565783
Her owners are Thomas and Ilaria.
Please contact them if you have seen, or think you have seen Bean.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Litter Pick in the Field area

Last year's litter pick was amazing and we got around 20 bags of litter from the upper part of the Field, the copse at the bottom of Cedar Road, the paths surrounding the upper field and from Raleigh Park. I am sure there is less around this year but please come and join in the litter pick. Bags, gloves, litter-picker sticks will be provided curtesy of Ag McKeith.

6th March. 2 pm. Meet in Louie Memorial Field carpark.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Need to clear the Copse of 'pruned' wood

A spent Zippo lighter in the Copse on Sunday
Ash twigs had been used to light the fire. There were bits of burned paper all over the place and another empty container. We need to take the smaller branches and all the twigs out of the Copse before the weather heats up. Our local police and PCSO met with Neighbourhood Watch last week-end and they agree that there is now a fire hazard in the woodland. Thanks to Parish Council actions!

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Ruin in woodland

This path used to be private

and enclosed and from where

this photo was taken, only the path

and dense woodland could be

seen. It was, in other words, a

place of peace and privacy and

spiritual renewal.

Now, there is too much view!

Friday, 4 February 2011

New grafitti has been added over the artwork

So, it was bound to happen.

Three girls sitting in the shelter
said, it was pathetic and
childish and it is a shame that
all this hard work painting
grafitti under supervision has
been ruined by a rogue artist.

Gilbert or George told Mark Lawson
that people had grown out of grafitting
like this but I think not or maybe it's that
NH is a bastion of the past.